MKMMA Week 25
The MKMMA has given me many gifts, and one of them is priceless! It is having trust in myself. After all, what do we have if we don’t have confidence and trust in ourselves? We have nothing to offer someone else, because we don’t trust ourselves enough to offer anything. We have only as much to offer as we give to ourselves.
This course gives the opportunity to improve yourself by changing habits, thus the much-needed virtue of trusting yourself is realized. This is huge if you want home business help to take you towards your success! This has everything to do with self confidence. If we don’t have self confidence, there is not much chance of being successful at any endeavor we attempt.
Before starting with the Master Key System Haanel wrote, I found myself sliding down the slippery slope into hopelessness, and unintentional unkept promises.trusting yourself, improving yourself

It was a vicious circle which began right after the death of a close family member. My grieving process (or lack thereof) kept me from being the self accountable leader I had been before. It was as if a switch had been flipped making me into a completely different person. This consistently eroded my self confidence in myself, as well as my views of how accountable and trust worthy others could be. My subconscious mind was then telling me “If you can’t be trusted and accountable no one else can either.” So therefore as a leader I couldn’t see and bring out the best in others; to give them home business help, because I couldn’t see it in myself. There was no trusting myself. What a horrible predicament!
Enter the Master Key System Haanel wrote and the MKMMA. It has been my deliverance from the slippery slope, and I now stand on higher, firm ground with all of my leadership skills and attributes intact and available to help others!Yesterday one of the people I was coaching told me “Delaine Keith, you are the best coach! I appreciate you so much; thank you!”trusting yourself, improving yourself
The MKMMA gives the opportunity to change your habits to improve yourself. With science integrated into the process in a most powerful way, it showed me the path back to trusting myself; to me being me….to being able to help others again…and making me happy in my service to helping others with their lives, health and abundance. What a gift I have given to myself to stick with this process. It was worth everything I paid for it, including all the effort and time I gave to the process. Priceless!